
Merry Mariah to all af you

Today is Christmas day in Denmark - and I thank you for checking in on my spot here most days in December - and I hope you have had some fun with the paper designs I made this year.

Last night I worked an all nighter, or almost, as one of the gifts I had planned, was a homemade book for my son. Guess when I started production? Yup, rather late last night. I was done around four o'clock. 

Now I am printing and assembling it, while sipping a cosy coffee and sniffing the occasional spurt of nose spray. With a side order of paracetamol. We are all a bit poorly, as the Brits say, but we managed to get all done, that needed to be done, and now is the time for some proper relaxation.

You do the same, all of you out there. And may peace prevail, in any way, shape or form.

Here is a little video I simply just love - the song is a classic, but this particular and very laid back version must be the best ever!

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