And who am I...?

My name is Tina Taul, and I live in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I am a graphic designer, and if you should feel like doing business with me, let me know!

Look me up at LinkedIn, for contact details, professional resumé and that sort of thing.

I have a portfolio album on flickr with a few examples of my work - as well as a lot of other images you are very welcome to look at.

I am also on Pinterest and Instagram.


  1. hello dear Tina, I just discovered you and all the lovely posts I must spend time reading. Thank you and Happy New Year!

    1. You are welcome,Sande - and a Happy New Year to you too!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hello Tina,
    I am absolutely in love with your baubles and really want to use the shape for my sewing project. Just woundering if you have a copyright on them?

    1. Hello Meg!
      Almost all the projects I make are based on traditional designs, that I make my own versions of. I like to think I have some kind of copyright on my tutorial-sheets and my patterned print-and-make sheets, as I have designed and made them myself - but otherwise I would say no, I have no problem with your using a shape or principle for a projest, go ahead - glad to have inspired you! And drop me a picture, if you like!

      Best of luck:::::

  4. Hej Tina,
    Mange tak for dine designs - vores strikkegruppe har lige haft en lille workshop og var enormt glade for dem.

    1. Hvor lyder det dejligt! Jeg bliver nysgerrig - hvad fik I lavet, og var det en papirworkshop?
      Mange hilsner Tina

  5. Det er faktisk en strikke-gruppe. Men da de så hvad jeg havde lavet før jul, ville de gerne have lidt undervisning. Vi lavede plop-baubels og diamonds, og flere bestemte sig for at gå videre derhjemme, og måske også med børnebørn. Mange hilsner Inge

    1. Haha, ja som navnet jo antyder! Men kan man lide at strikke kan man sikkert også forelske sig i at folde i papir! Der kommer nok lidt nyt man kan lave til påske - og for børn er især de små påskekyllinger fra et par sæsoner siden, ret nemme at lave. De er lige her -
      Tak for interessen, og god fornøjelse med det hele!

  6. Hello Tina,
    I have just spent a lovely hour or so meandering around your blog. Its been delightful. Thanks for sharing your little paper doodads and you photos of your travels. Allison Dennis, Asheville, USA

    1. Wow, thank you so much, Allison. And thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - that means a lot!

  7. Dear Tina, you have a great blog! Thanx for inspirations and your tutorials.

    1. Hi Katha Rina, thank you for that sweet comment, and for taking the time to leave it - that's the kind of thing that makes blogging much more fun! Happy spring, best regards Tina

  8. Hi Tina,

    Really love your blog. The Library team and I have just had a lovely lunchtime, making the paper baubles you posted in 2015. What a great time we had :-)

    1. How lovely, Emma! Send them all my best, and happy holidays to you all!
      Best regards, Tina

  9. Kia ora Tina. I just discovered your blog by looking for instructions for plop-plop ornaments. Thanks so much for your blog and your work, I really love what you're doing. I discovered plop-plops because the librarians on the children's floor in our wonderful new library here named Tūranga, are making them to decorate the book displays at the moment. They look great dotted around the books. You can see our library here:
    With thanks
    Greg, Christchurch, New Zealand.

  10. Dearest Greg! What a fantastic library - and thank you so much for your kind words. It's a wonderful thought that I can inspire someone on the other side of the Earth! I am not as active on this blog as I used to be, but find that people find their way to my projects anyhow, through Pinterest and such places. That is a joy!
    The very best to you and all the good people of Christchurch.

  11. Buonasera Tina mi chiamo Catia sono italiana volevo ringraziarti per la possibilita di usare il tuo magnifico lavoro.Mi scuso per non aver chiesto il permesso di copiare e mi complimento per l tua deliziosa e raffinata creativita'. Spero che la vita ti riservi tanta fortuna . ciao catia

  12. Hi Catia!
    Google translate tells me that this is a very sweet message from you, and I thank you for your compliments. You are always welcome to freely use my design posted here, that's the whole idea - just not to pass them on as your own, of course. Buon Natale e Felice Anno nuovo!
