

It was a dark, confused and utterly screwed up morning. Absolutely not the ideal start of December.

But we lit the candle - I wonder if these are common elsewhere? I don't even think they have them in Sweden or Norway. The idea is, well... fairly obvious.

While I recouperate, and try to get down to some serious business - involving a lot of mindboggling
Excel spreadsheet and complicated text formatting - I have a bit of fun for you:

Ta daaa - the Countdown Heart. Of course.

Say: Yes, I will be starting the countdown, and I will click here to download!

2021: I have a new location for my downloads: please go here 


  1. It is a pretty start. Pretty smart!

  2. Hyggligt, glæder mig rigtigt meget til at følge med.

  3. Hjertelig countdown i december - cool til jul........kh Rigmor
