
Crazy project? Well, we'll see.

I have decided to make myself a himmeli...!

Not being able to get hold of proper straw in the middle of winter (and, frankly not quite sure which
kind to use, is it supposed to be wheat or rye..? It is not that obvious, when you read about them, but
I'll find out later!) - so I found myself a couple of bags of narrow plastic straws. Now, even these were
not that easy to find, since all supermarkets seem only to carry the rather large, wide ones.
But in a specialty party shop I found some okay white ones, with mixed pastel stripes. These will do
for now, and I will make this a practise workshop, and get back to the proper material next year.

If you are not as determined to drive yourself nuts as I sometimes am, there are modern versions of
himmeli to be purchased, for instance in the Etsy shop AM RADIO. And they are beautiful!

Right now I have little bits of plastic straw all over the place. I made a kind of a loose sketch, and am
now cutting all the dozens and dozens of fairly accurately measured little tubes, and found some thin,
strong and red cotton thread, I think will be suitable.

I am very exited about the project, and hope to post a grrreat plastic himmeli tomorrow. Perhaps?

So you must imagine something like this... Well, sort of like this.

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