
Party Hearty

I bet there are lots of you out there, that is going to some kind of christmas party today. I know I am.

I am trying to get enthusiastic about it. It has been a very exhausting week, and my dream scenario for
this saturday evening would be lying on the sofa, watching 'the Wire' and eating chocolate - wearing something shapeless and wooly.

As opposed to eating the Big Danish Christmas Party Buffet, wearing something tight with heels.
In fact one ought to wear a sweatsuit to these things, because you eat so much food (and yes, some
of it is really delicious. I am mainly a pickled herring and schnapps girl, myself. How about you?)
and you drink too much, making the heels a veritable staggering danger.

But: I will be a trooper and give it my very, very best.
After a couple of herrings (with onion and sour cream, mmmm) and a few cold ones, I will probably
feel altogether more at ease.

And I do have a very comfortable pair of quite glam patent leater flats......
And my sequin butterfly. Done.

I have made a disco heart for all those of you who are trying to get in the mood, like myself.
Party on down right here.

2021: I have a new location for my downloads: please go here  

Mirrorball borrowed from http://trove.org.uk


  1. You are so kind! beautiful blog. can I have your newsletters? Sorry forgot my Http

    1. Hi there - and thank you!
      I don't do newsletters, but generally try to post on my blog a couple of times a month, all year round - and sometimes more often. You can also follow my Pinterest boards, if you like (see link top left).
      All the best; Tina
